

We believe in the Principle of Universal Tithing. People who come into our teaching are often looking to increase the prosperity in their lives and we give them the tools with which to do that.

Many of us grew up with the idea that it is better to give than to receive. That is like saying it is better to breathe in than to breathe out. How can we give if we don't receive?

Likewise, a clenched fist can neither give nor receive.

So we follow the principle that as we give, it is returned to us many times over.

Donations to our Centre not only pay our rent and administrative expenses, not to mention our minister's salary. But we are mindful that we are also here to do good works and so ten percent of our income is set aside to contribute to the well-being of others.

Each year, our Centre chooses others to share in the bounty of our good and in January, we invite representatives to attend a service where they receive cheques for their respective organizations.

The following were recipients of tithes from the generous contributions of our congregation.

  • The International Association for Transformation (IAT)
    This is an organization for which we have provided fifteen years of on-going educational support for children. It has changed the lives of many in the Philippines and the money goes directly to the project involved. There are no administrative fees.
  • Victoria Women's Transition House
  • Habitat for Humanity Victoria
  • Our Place Society
  • Sandy Merriman House